Are You Hunting The Extra Search Engine Optimization?

How much important the search engine optimization (SEO) in order to delegates in web site to know  it is enough to keep sight in Google’s penguin update. They said in order to get good result you must have to kept sight into search engine optimization. Which keyword is more suitable justifying it than those will use in website. And other side they said doesn't send data in search engine by creating presser. By this way if you try to publish your site punish mental system will be got. If your site is high qualities the search engine will give emphasis.
It is hard to keep adjustment between two. To do the work of search engine optimization it may be possibility to do anything for any one which is crime in the eye to Google. Is it extra search engine optimization some aspect of justifying it is shown here?
Use keyword basic Doman name:
Doman name generally express the companies name. It is good to keep it the same. Similarity with search key word it is good to abstains from to use Doman name.
Keyword basic micro site:
Micro site is made for to send visitor in main site from there. There generally keep the keywords exchanging the details main data. It is looked in evil sight. It is well to use keywords in main site without using different micro site.
The subject only aims at search engine:
Such way the article is written which is mainly for sending search engine. If the keywords are dissimilar with main dialogue the matter can caught. In fact the visitor will not show eager as a result the Google not show eager.
Use the same anchor text more than one:
Always a good result can get in using text link of other pages with anyone an article. Visitors get a change easily to use other pages. But it is seen in evil sight to use the same link again and again. If the link is to use in this way it is well to use link by changing without using the same link.

Use Blog And Face Book Tutor In Bangladesh

There is no need to statistic to know in Bangladesh the subject of blogging is not so popular. It is very hard to refer any one name that gets popularity from blog. Even why lake of friends in face book tutor, have thousands of fan it is very hard to found such person. When the whole world is enjoying the social networking then there is no change to avoid it. Blogging is an occupation in many countries people. We can earn to use it such as TV channel or newspaper. Then doubt about it is consistence in Bangladesh.
What is its reason there is different view about it. One subject is noticeable that there is no good relation between blog and visitors. Good relation means visitors may be gone the blog but don’t participate it. For this many countries after publishing any post hundred of comments are going to add, there in bangle blog no comment is noticeable. Though the blog statistics says that, huge numbers of people are reading this post. To write comment in the blog is important for much reason.  In one side said to a blog I want such kinds of posts want more modern, want more elaborately etc. for this the blogs gets modern. And others side the blog gets popularity. As a result basically at the end the blog maker and visitors are benefitted. But it’s a problem when it is unknown what will write and how will write in the comment.
Some general rules are followed for writing comment. In many blog the rules are referred. Let you know them for a once:
Don’t write one word comment. Such as good, bad, thank those word cannot express comment. Please refer why it is good, why it is bad.
The comment which is related with commercial many people doesn’t expect it. As something advertise with comment, link in own site if etc subject is consisted than it will think as a sham comment.
Don’t comment unrelated subject. Only comment about which is the main subject of blog post.
Many people don’t receive too much large comment. Sometimes it is needed to explain. So comment should write with a few words.
The comment which attacks to others, use of bad word it is the out of general rule.
Visitors can dislike something of blog or blogger. Here no say something bad. Just it is enough to know why you dislike it.
The subject are refers because in Bangladesh we can see many comment which is similar to this rule. Criticize to anyone or attractive comment is more. The popular blog in Bangladesh is the politicians comment or opposite comment is its good example. You can think there the comment is commented the big part is excluded from there then the present part is so bad.
Here which rule is referred and how it referred from it can understand that the whole guilty is visitors. They don’t want to comment or they don’t comment by following the rule.
Infect huge numbers of peoples comment are may be short but from it we can understand there outlook. Writing big comment many people express their eagerness, explain something. These create eagerness to the people who are stayed behind the blog.
There is matter behind the few comment it is the method of comment. Firstly it is said use of site few such as face book tutor. In many parts own familiarity is use for write comment. Sometimes having is email is enough. Sometimes Google, Yahoo, Face book, Tutor etc are to use. If those are not there is no chance to comment. In some blogs in order to keep easy comment there is offered to comment without familiarity. In that case out of ruled matter are seen most.
Other subject most of them don’t follow your comment is published or not it depends on who are the on duty over the matter. But after approved the comment will published. If directly it is kept then any time he can withdraw it.
Inform your comment and participate it more.

Three Steps Of Freelancing Planning

You want to be a freelancer or want to business. Think more again fixedly you want to be a web designer, want to be graphic designer or want to be an animator or programmer. Creating blog you want to income from it. You can think whatever you want in order to successful to your imagine you have to work. For this a planning is needed. You may be astonished at hearing it that an institution such a united nation takes more time for planning. What is the system to alleviate the traffic jam from Dhaka city? From it directly said it by comment firstly you select what do you want.
Know what you want:
Ensure it do you want to be a web designer weather you want to be an animator. Considering the web design profitability you think you should learn it, and next day seeing the animator you think you will to be an animator it is not said to be. Such once a time you cannot go north and south so at the same time you cannot to be web designer and animator. Those two are hard subject. First step of your planning, to ensure your aim divination.
Ensure your essential subject:
You cannot go a battle without a weapon. So you cannot work without tools. You make a plan to income by creating blog but it may be not your internet is unable to check your email. You will make a Holed stile by using Maya but their word-processing system is un-available it may be not. You want to business but don’t know where you will get money it also not be.
Make lists your needed thinks for your work and try to know how you can find those. Most of the time we cannot success our dream for the scarcity of money agree it. Why you spoil your time if you have no ability, change your plan. Keep it think tools, education-merit if it is the subject of computer related etc. in which work engineering related education needed and which work math is needed. If you have not it you cannot go ahead. From your part what you can manage basic on you should hit upon plan.
Ensure the time:
If you pass 5-10 years will to be a programmer than you will not to be a programmer? Combine the time with plan. How much you will do within a month or in a year. Some time justify it. If you leg behind than you will know you will not reach the goal. To reach the goal increases your attention, and fill up the target.

Do You Want To Work As A Freelancer, Know About Good Or Bad

I am the boss of own it is the main dialogue of a freelancer. I do not work according another person like; I work as my own like the ability of talking this can gain to be a freelancer. If with this it is added that as a freelancer someone is earning Lake Taka in a month than huge number of people show interest it is normal.
Do you want to be a freelancer? Let you see the subject of freelancer for one.
You are a manager of your own office:
You may be like or dislike of your office manager all time because he always keep sight on you. Keep sight because it is his duty. When you are a freelancer than this work will have to done from own and you will have to kept sight to the own. When what will be needed is it okay, are you neglecting in your work it is also a duty to see for you.
Work is on your hand:
Anyone does not teach you the work. You have to meet with client and to teach the work and everything has to done within a fixed time.
You are an accountant of own self:
After a month no one does pay money on your hand. You have to earn from own how much you earn you have to count even you have also count the amount of tax.
You are an IT specialist of own:
Your computer does not work properly? You have to know where the problem is. Is problem in software or hardware, has anything have to buy or have to change the whole computer, service it from own or take it to another person but it is your duty to service it.
It may be a dislike subject. You may be thinking freelancer is a bad thing. What is needs so many problems.
 Let us see the good sight of freelancer;
Work as you like or time:
In a stick day or a storm day you have not to go out in the home. Eve no one will disturb if you sleep in morning. You will complete as you like.
Do what you like or how more you:
You are a graphic designer but you have an attraction to do the work of video editing. There is no problem. When you will get time do that work. Once a time it will be a part of you a freelancing work. From there you can earn.
Keep relation with everyone:
You like to gossip. There is no problem. From gossiping it may be create new work. The more you gossiping the more will publish the more will work the more will money. There is also good or bad sight of a freelancer. For your sight which will be needed more this is a subject. Decision is yours.

Income from internet: To Receive Money You Can Use Alert Pay

In how way you can earn money, to take money in hand you need an effective transaction system. Debit/credit card and papal is a well known and productive method. But when you have no change to use any of one between two (example in Bangladesh) than you have to find other way. Such as a system may be Alert Pay. Firstly it can use from Bangladesh; secondly money can receive in any system or pay to other.
For paying capital someone will use debit/credit card or use bank cheek, or bank wire. Alert Pay do the work of combination between two.
In order to be a member of Alert Pay you will create an account in going site (there is no cost). For this an E-mail address is needed and other details data. After creating account in order to transaction you have to use your E-mail account and password than you have to go their site.
You will create a code (Transaction PIN) for your familiarity .You have to use the code for each transaction.
In order to give money for any one your account will be sufficient with money. You will submit the money from credit card or in against which bank you will open account.
Whom you want to give money after clicking send money button you will send money. Each group will know the matter by an e-mail.
The money will send to the receiver than and than.
 The receiver will get change to withdraw money any way by debit/credit card.
Alert Pay give change to 3 items account. There are Personal starter, personal pro and business.
In personal starter there is no change to use debit card for receiving or paying money. In here there is no fee for sending or receiving money. In the time of withdrawing money it is to give 5 dollars in credit card, 15 dollars in rank aware and 4 dollars.
In other two systems there is no cost to send money in the time of getting money fee will be payment.  There is no cost to create any kinds of account.
Know it elaborately from their website contract for creating account.