Income from internet: To Receive Money You Can Use Alert Pay

In how way you can earn money, to take money in hand you need an effective transaction system. Debit/credit card and papal is a well known and productive method. But when you have no change to use any of one between two (example in Bangladesh) than you have to find other way. Such as a system may be Alert Pay. Firstly it can use from Bangladesh; secondly money can receive in any system or pay to other.
For paying capital someone will use debit/credit card or use bank cheek, or bank wire. Alert Pay do the work of combination between two.
In order to be a member of Alert Pay you will create an account in going site (there is no cost). For this an E-mail address is needed and other details data. After creating account in order to transaction you have to use your E-mail account and password than you have to go their site.
You will create a code (Transaction PIN) for your familiarity .You have to use the code for each transaction.
In order to give money for any one your account will be sufficient with money. You will submit the money from credit card or in against which bank you will open account.
Whom you want to give money after clicking send money button you will send money. Each group will know the matter by an e-mail.
The money will send to the receiver than and than.
 The receiver will get change to withdraw money any way by debit/credit card.
Alert Pay give change to 3 items account. There are Personal starter, personal pro and business.
In personal starter there is no change to use debit card for receiving or paying money. In here there is no fee for sending or receiving money. In the time of withdrawing money it is to give 5 dollars in credit card, 15 dollars in rank aware and 4 dollars.
In other two systems there is no cost to send money in the time of getting money fee will be payment.  There is no cost to create any kinds of account.
Know it elaborately from their website contract for creating account.

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